



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Style & Fashion

Style & Fashion

Having a hard time trying to figure out what to wear? Well so am I! LOL…For the longest time I’ve had no fashion sense! I mean my style was a walking nightmare! No confidence, no direction , a lot of fashion DON’TS! I didn’t know where to start! Almost 4 years ago I began modeling. I had no idea what I was doing! I mean I didn’t have any style sense, no signature look, and I knew nothing about fashion!

However I studied trends, researched about different seasons, and learned things about myself. I mean this process took a lot of effort! For goodness sake, I was a model! I needed to learn my way around the fashion industry and fast! Eventually I found my way by working with reputable photographers, designers, stylists, and makeup artists. These guys gave me so many tips, it really helped me a lot! The biggest thing I had to do is figure out what worked for me! You know how the saying goes, “everything isn’t for everyone”. So true! Along the way I discovered my curves.

I fell in love with being a curvaceous woman. I chose to embrace what I thought was once a flaw, and turned it into my strength! I welcomed many new things into my wardrobe. I started to appreciate form fitting dresses, tight jeans, and high heels! Addressing my curves gave me the confidence to explore more in the fashion world. Style and fashion is whatever you choose for it to be. It’s all about owning that confidence! That’s the key to it all! Owning whatever it is that you’re wearing and expressing yourself! Here’s a few tips I learned about style and fashion.

  • Confidence is key- Whatever you decide to wear be comfortable and confident. Never feel insecure about what you like!

  • Be your own individual- It’s cool to be interested in trends, but make it your own look! Your look should be just that, YOUR LOOK! We were born to stand out not fit in! Own your individuality!

  • Don’t be afraid to try new things- Often we turn our noses up at anything outside of our comfort zone. Try to step outside of that. For example, if you always wear dark colors, try embracing bright tones! If your style is typically casual, jazz it up a bit and go chic! The options are endless!

  • Accessories don’t hurt- This is one of my favorite tips! I have become obsessed with accessories. Accessories can really dress up a casual look! Whether you’re adding a hat, some shades, or a purse! Accessories can really change the direction of any outfit! I tell women all the time, '“ACCESSSORIZE, ACCESSORIZE, ACCESSORIZE”! I love accessories so much that I’ve even created my own fashion accessory line! You can check out my page on Instagram @treasuresbytanisha !

    Overall make style and fashion be what you want it to be. Make it work for you! There is no right or wrong!

Own that look! It’s yours to keep! Be confident and happy with who you are!

Own that look! It’s yours to keep! Be confident and happy with who you are!


Don’t forget to follow @treasuresbytanisha via Facebook & Instagram for all of your fashion accessory needs!

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