



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Self Acceptance

Self Acceptance

Such a taboo topic but as women we all fall into the trap of putting insecurities onto ourselves. We have the bad habit of not accepting ourselves or loving our bodies! Society has placed beauty standards upon women that aren’t realistic. Not to mention the misrepresentation of natural bodies! Every woman isn’t childless, every woman isn’t a size 2 or a size 16! Every woman is beautiful and special in their own way regardless of weight, height, size, shape, and race! I can openly admit it has taken me some time to learn to accept the beauty of my body! I have been on a self love journey for years and it’s a lot to take in and learn! I literally had to learn myself and dig deeper! Why didn’t I love myself, what trauma did I experience as a woman, what negativity did I allow in my space to make me be ashamed of myself? I had to take a hard look at myself and my choices in life! And that’s when it hit me! It was a choice! I made a choice to hate myself, I made a choice to feed into the negativity, I made a choice to not see the beauty in my beauty!

I got tired of beating up on myself! I made a choice to change my mindset. I made a conscious effort to discover the beauty I had within myself all along! It was either that or spend a lifetime in misery or end up in the grave. I gave myself permission to live the life I deserved! The things that I once thought were so ugly were actually the most beautiful parts about me! I use to really beat myself up about my weight, my stretch marks, my voice, my walk, my personality, my height, my shape, my thinking, just everything! I LITERALLY PICKED MYSELF APART! Everyday I woke up there was nothing I liked when I saw my reflection! Often times I would even avoid looking into a mirror because in my own eyes I wasn’t no where near the person I wanted to be! One day I just got the nerve to tell myself I was beautiful. I started to speak life into and unto myself! I read self help books, I went to therapy, and for health reasons I started working out! I started to do things for myself that made me happy! Regardless of what other people thought or felt about me! I learned to love every inch of myself mentally and physically! Instead of hiding my body I embraced my curvy shape! Instead of being ashamed of my stretch marks I fell in love with the fact that I birthed life! It is a blessing to be a giver of life! I carried 2 beautiful babies that I will never be ashamed of! Instead of worrying about who I wasn’t , I fell in love with who I was! I fell in love with my self discovery! I had to make a change with myself first! Ladies please change your negative mindset to a place of peace and positivity! In the end it’s so rewarding! I no longer pick myself apart, because I learned I am the whole package and then some! Be kind to your body, mind, and your spirit! You deserve to give yourself permission to be free!

Women's History Month

Women's History Month

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