



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Women's History Month

Women's History Month

What a extraordinary month it has been! Especially for women all around the world! It’s so sad to see Women’s History Month go by so fast! We were just getting started! Women have contributed so much throughout history that one month isn’t even scratching the surface of what we’ve created throughout the years! If there is anything I’d like to say before this month is over it would be THANK YOU! Thank you to all the women that have paved the way for women like me! Women that relate to my lifestyle! Wives, mothers, entrepreneurs, teachers, models, influencers, bakers, and the list goes on! I have learned so much from my community of women surrounding me! It often motivates me to do better for not only myself but for my children as well! Especially my daughter!

I just hope that she learns from me what is so special about being a woman! No it’s not the easiest all the time. No we don’t always get the recognition, but it is indeed a beautiful experience to be a woman! Women are often the life givers and nurturers. Women have a strong sense of identity. We have a body that constantly changes over time that we adapt to! All while being strong and confident even when we have nothing left, we still continue to help build up the people in our lives! We shape our futures with our optimism! We use our intuition to sense something whether it’s good or bad! We as women have a special gift of self awareness! We know who we are, and we know what we want! Characteristics such as this just aren’t gifted to anyone!

While some may call us superheroes, it is important to remember one thing as we as women navigate through life……….. Remember that is ok to be human! With all these characteristics and gifts comes with a great deal of responsibilities. It is ok to be tired. It is ok to not have it together all the time. It is ok to take a break. It’s ok to cry and be frustrated! Please do not suffer from Wonder Woman Syndrome. My biggest advice to any woman is to always give yourself some grace. Be proud of the woman you are! Be proud of how far you’ve come. Be grateful for the good and the bad experiences. It will help build your character. Don’t let past mistakes define the person you are today! Finally the golden rule for women???? Don’t always see other women as your competitors. Sometimes it better when we’re together and supporting one another! It’s a beautiful vison of unity when we’re working together and not against each other! THANK YOU TO EVERY WOMAN OUT THERE! KEEP DOING YOUR THING! BE THE QUEEN THAT YOU ARE! AND REMEMBER TO PASS THE TORCH TO THE NEXT UPCOMING QUEEN! HAPPY WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH!



Self Acceptance

Self Acceptance