



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Bargain Shopper Are We?

Bargain Shopper Are We?

Who doesn’t love a good bargain? I have been a bargain shopper since I had children! Before I had kids I didn’t care about cost! Everything had to be name brand. I had to have the trendiest, most expensive clothes, shoes, and fashion accessories! I didn’t care about sales, bargain shopping, or strategic shopping! I just knew if I had it, I was willing to spend it! Of course after having kids you learn really quick how to value a dollar! Especially beginning a journey as a single parent. I had no choice but to change my way of thinking, and spending! It was no longer about me, it was about the well being of my child!

As a single parent I couldn’t afford many luxuries! I couldn’t afford Nike shoes for my baby, I couldn’t afford Baby Gap, Nordstroms, or Macys! I had entered a time in my life where rent was barely getting paid, daycare was always behind, gas and electric sent cut off notices every month! I even had moments where I had sleep in my car eventually! Those are times I don’t miss but it molded me! It molded me as a mom, individual, and consumer! I promised myself I would never live like that again! I walked away from that life and haven’t looked back!

“Sometimes it takes tough situations, for us to change our mindset! Mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially!”


It’s a beautiful feeling when you can save  money, and still prepare for your future!

It’s a beautiful feeling when you can save money, and still prepare for your future!

A bargain is a bargain! Whether it’s clothes, food, shoes, or services! There’s nothing wrong with a good bargain! Don’t be afraid to SAVE! Enjoy the benefits of saving money!

A bargain is a bargain! Whether it’s clothes, food, shoes, or services! There’s nothing wrong with a good bargain! Don’t be afraid to SAVE! Enjoy the benefits of saving money!


 So What If It’s A Bargain!

Soooooo what if it’s a bargain! Often people get discouraged by other peoples opinions and thoughts when it comes to spending money! Number 1 rule, it’s no ones business how much you pay for something! Rule number 2, stop trying to keep up with the Joneses! Life is not meant for the purpose to show off , it’s meant for you to live it! Remember, you can’t take it with you when you go!

Let’s get into it! FOR THE RECORD……THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH WALMART! Alot of people always shy away from Walmart! I’m not gonna lie, I’ve pieced together plenty of outfits for myself and my kids from Walmart! Some of their stuff is super cute, affordable, and it’s always one close by! I also feel the same way about Target! You can’t beat a place that pretty much sells everything! Save yourself some gas money and time it’s a one stop shop!



Your outfit doesn’t have to cost as expensive as it looks!

Here’s another tip! It may look expensive but that doesn’t mean it is! Which means your outfit doesn’t have to cost as expensive as it looks! I style my own looks from head to toe for photoshoots! Almost all the time I’m always complimented on my outfit choices and asked where’d I bought them from! Take a low priced dress, and add accessories to jazz it up! The last 4 dresses I bought for the summer were only $5 each, the originally price of one was $20! The amount I paid for one I got 4! Now that’s what I call a bargain!

Ok here’s another tip , an oldie but a goodie! Whenever shopping for clothes whether online or in person shop out of season! That’s right, I buy my spring and summer clothes in the winter, and coats/ fall attire in the summer! This way you catch a sale , and beat the crowd! Often times consumers are only thinking about the NOW! I even start my school shopping for my kids as soon as school ends!

Think about it! Right before school starts everyone has back to school sales on school supplies, school uniforms, and other materials! Well truth be told at some stores they spike prices higher, only to make the sale price appear tremendously lower! When in all actuality the sale price was the original price in the first place! Now that’s not the case everywhere, but it is a often trick retail use! I should know I’ve worked in retail for years! Keep your eyes peeled!



Let’s Not Forget The Digital Savings!!!!!



Ok so the last little trick I have up my sleeve is one that I think everyone can relate to! Electronic savings! That’s right digital coupons! I don’t care where I shop, before making a purchase anywhere I check online first to see if coupons are available! Often times retail stores will have digital coupons listed on their website! They may not have that sale price or discount in store! Also it doesn’t hurt to sign up for subscriptions/newsletters! I know, I know a lot of you hate those spam emails that advertise about a bunch of nothing! However often times they do send out those sales, and digital coupons from time to time!

Now when looking for coupons be aware of all the different possibilities! There are so many types! Listed below are examples of different coupons and coupon sites!

  1. Manufacturer’s coupons- these coupons are issued by the product’s company. These coupons can be used at any store that accepts the coupon and sells the product.

  2. Printable Manufacturer’s coupons- these coupons must be printed from a website for usage. These coupons can be found directly on the manufacturers website. These also have unique codes with usage limits!

  3. Store coupons- are issued by particular retailers. You can only use these coupons at the issuing store! Depending on the store you may or may not be able to combine these with other coupons.

  4. Coupon codes- remember when shopping online be sure to look out for coupon codes. A lot of stores will often have coupon codes that will give you discounts on purchases while shopping online! Just be sure to enter the coupon code before your complete your purchase!

  5. Groupon- a great site where you can find deals for entertainment, restaurants, even great for travel deals.

  6. Amazon coupons- amazon offers coupons for many products on it’s site.

  7. Retail Me Not- a popular coupon site that offers coupon codes for a large variety of online retailers.

Online, or in store it’s all the same! Find great usage, and reap all the benefits of coupons, sales, and bargain shopping!

Online, or in store it’s all the same! Find great usage, and reap all the benefits of coupons, sales, and bargain shopping!

Happy shopping! I hope this guide can help assist in your bargain shopping! Look for those coupons, check those emails, and most importantly save a dollar or two, or three!

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