



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Don't Stress, Strategize!

Don't Stress, Strategize!

If you know me personally, then you know I am a strategy Queen honey! However if you don’t, you’re about to learn real quick! I do not believe in letting things just fall into place! It’s ok to be spontaneous in life at times, but when you’re one of many things like myself you don’t have a choice but to be strategic and organized! I’m sure most women can relate. We are wives, mothers, entrepreneurs, and overall go getters! Women like us have no room for confusion and chaos in our day to day. I find it to be apart of my day to day to strategize in order to get tasks done, without the stress of feeling overwhelmed! This helps me remain sane and organized to be prepared for what’s to come! Whether it be concerning my kids, my home, my businesses, or my marriage. Here’s a few tips, tricks, and strategies to help with your day to day!

How to maintain your peace by multitasking your weekly goals!


Cleaning is an essential part of my day to day!  It helps me focus, it helps me organize, it keeps me completely grounded! When I have a clean and clear home I have a clean and clear mind! I can not work in a sloppy, dirty, unorganized environment! Mentally it makes my mind scramble! Notice how your energy changes after you clean your house, you don’t seem to feel as stressed!

Cleaning is an essential part of my day to day! It helps me focus, it helps me organize, it keeps me completely grounded! When I have a clean and clear home I have a clean and clear mind! I can not work in a sloppy, dirty, unorganized environment! Mentally it makes my mind scramble! Notice how your energy changes after you clean your house, you don’t seem to feel as stressed!

Aside from the fact that it’s great to keep your house clean, it’s my little piece of heaven! To see a clear, and  clean space really sits well with my spirit! It also gives me a chance to think of different ideas and new ways to decorate different spaces in my house! Definitely a great  eye opener!

Aside from the fact that it’s great to keep your house clean, it’s my little piece of heaven! To see a clear, and clean space really sits well with my spirit! It also gives me a chance to think of different ideas and new ways to decorate different spaces in my house! Definitely a great eye opener!


Make Daily Goals to Accomplish Within Your Week!

My week typically starts on Monday, but I start planning my week Sunday night! I usually cook twice a week! The first meal is cooked for Sunday through Wednesday, the second meal is cooked for Thursday through Saturday. My family doesn’t mind eating left overs! If I’m really exhausted towards the weekend we may order out a pizza. I even meal prep my kids lunch for the week! Every week they eat a different lunch, with a different snack! It gives them some excitement of what to look forward to for the upcoming week!

So far as household chores, pick and choose your battles! Choose one day to wash/dry clothes, then choose another day during the week to focus on cleaning the house! I personally select certain rooms to clean according to the day! During the day I clean the downstairs area while the kids are virtually learning in their rooms.

Which include the bathroom, living room, dining room, home office, and kitchen! During the evening I clean upstairs once virtual learning is over! Those rooms include all the bedrooms, hallway, bathroom, and stairway! This way I’m out of their way, and they’re out of mines! It’s a win win situation for everyone.



Let’s Work It Out!

Now as I’ve discussed before, I am a full time entrepreneur. This means I still have multiple businesses to run! I carve out certain times of the day to get certain tasks done! First thing in the morning I check emails, return phone calls, texts, and advertise on all social media platforms.

I always reach out to customers in the order which they come within the time frame of my business hours! I also make sure all invoices are sent out on time, and paid on time! I do not only write out all my orders on paper, but I also pencil them in on my calendars, save my detailed emails, and send myself constant reminders on my phone so that I don’t skip a beat!

The key is to have multiple reminders so that you don’t forget! Also I go over all orders according to the dates they’re due. Due to the fact that I sell physical products, some are picked up , some are shipped out! I organize my orders according to the day of week, or month that’s approaching! Sounds like a lot huh? Well this system works for me very well. These things help keep me on track! These little steps help me stay focused, and organized! Being a mother of 2, wife and full time entrepreneur of multiple businesses it helps a ton! I hope these tips and strategies help you as well as they do for me!

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