



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Working From Home!

Working From Home!

The beauty of not having to leave the comfort of your home to go punch a clock! Choose to see the positive!

Your Space Should Create Peace!

So as we all know the world is not what it use to be due to Covid-19! All restaurants are carry out, public spaces have 25% compacity limits, children are virtually learning, and some businesses have shut down! However those of us who still have jobs, or are entrepreneurs things have changed completely! We are now working from home! Most of us are working from company desk tops, lap tops, tablets, and cell phones. I know, I know it’s a big adjustment, but look at the positive. You’re in the comfort of your home, no driving to work, and you can wear pajamas from the waist down during those zoom meetings….. lol . For some of us the confusion can be your children distracting you while they’re virtually learning, or peeking in on that T.V. show we just have to watch! Although this is a huge adjustment you have to be positive about these circumstances! Here’s a few tips n tricks to making your home-based work an easy transition!

  • Make sure your work space is just that, your work space! It doesn’t matter where, designate a spot in the house where you won’t be easily distracted!

  • Create a work space that motivates you! Hang pictures, post up motivational messages, even decorate your desk to your liking! (If you have one)

  • Make sure your work space is clutter free! A cluttered space will lead to a cluttered mind! Let’s keep our minds/work space open, and clear!

  • Even though you’re home take pride in personal organization! Set your alarm to wake up in enough time to gather yourself calmly. Take a shower, eat breakfast, meditate! How ever you start your morning, just start it peacefully! No one wants to start their day rushing! The way your day starts will set the tone for what’s to come.

  • Take small breaks in between working ! Take 5 minutes here and there to re-adjust your eyes from those screens! Grab a bite to eat, drink some water, stretch those legs! It’s important to stay hydrated, motivated, and your blood circulated!

    Just a few tips to keep your sanity during the pandemic while working from home!


Create Your Perfect Zen Space!

My beautiful at home office space!

My beautiful at home office space!

Mommy Duties

Mommy Duties