



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Mommy Duties

Mommy Duties

Hello to all my moms out there! We are the most overworked, underpaid, resourceful women in the universe! We make the houses homes! We are the nurturers, the teachers, the cooks, the nurse, the decision makers, alarm clocks, and the list goes on! Don’t think for a minute your role isn’t important. Whether you’re a career woman, stay at home mom, wife, or a single parent… doesn’t matter! We all have the same agenda, and we share the same responsibilities. Our number 1 priority is our children. Never let anyone make you feel doubtful or insignificant like your isn’t important! There’s a lot of sleepless nights, and frustrating days. However at the end of it all, it will be all worth the effort! We are shaping the future if you think about it. We are molding future doctors, lawyers, artists, politicians, chefs, entrepreneurs, and what ever else this world may need! Our children are truly the future, but it starts with us first. It sounds like a lot, because it is! As soon as a child is born they start learning. From the moment they open their eyes, the process of learning begins. Children absorb everything like a sponge. It is our job to educate our children, and instill values that they can carry into adulthood! The powers that we possess as moms are impressive! Never second guess yourself as a mom. We have an influence and strength like no other! Be inspired, and give yourself credit!





Use What You've Got!

Use What You've Got!

Working From Home!

Working From Home!