



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

Use What You've Got!

Use What You've Got!

Want to brand yourself? Having a hard time trying to figure out where to start? Well the answer is literally right in front of your face! Whether you’re branding yourself or a company, you already have the tools to help you get a jump start! Often times we overlook the small gems that can get us to that next big step! If you’re just starting, use the materials you already have available to you. Start off simple and work your way up! All you need is a cell phone, social media, patience , and strategy! In this day and age a lot of things we access is digital. It’s everywhere! As of now Instagram and Facebook are free! Everyone has a social media account of some sort, and a cell phone! Why not use it to your advantage? Don’t short change yourself! Here’s a few simply steps to help jump start your brand as a individual or company.

*Create a social media business account specifically for your brand/business.

(The only content that should be on this page should only be business related, promoting whatever your brand/business is about!)

*Remember business pages can not be private! Everyone should be able to access your page! How else will you advertise?

*Use your cell phone to your advantage! Advertise by taking pictures related to your brand/business using your cell phone camera and upload to your social media!

*Take advantage of using hashtags pertaining to your brand/business! Often times people are more inclined to search hashtags to find what they’re looking for! Also this broadens your chance of being found by potential clients just passing through!

*Use social media to your fullest extent! Get the most out of any platform! Use hash tags, post atleast 2-3 times a day at a minimum, post in your stories, and engage with your audience! ( Mainly in reference to Instagram and Facebook)

*Make sure your page is clear and straight to the point! I should be able to look at your social media and know what exactly it is that you do or what you’re selling!

Those are just a few gems to get you started! Remember it’s the little things that will take you to bigger opportunities! Use the tools that you have now and then work your way up!

I personally use a variety of electronics to advertise and promote my businesses! Between lap tops, tablets, and a cell phone! It really doesn't matter, use what tools that are available to you!

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