



Mental Health


Sade Tanisha

How To Have A Fangtastic Halloween!

How To Have A Fangtastic Halloween!

It’s that time of year again! The weather is cooling down, the kiddies are back in school, and the holidays are upon us! First one up is…. Halloween! Halloween can be a very festive holiday, depending on the household. Everyone has there own thing! Some people like to watch scary movies all day, some take their children trick or treating, while others attend Halloween parties. Me and my family like to do different things. However, no matter what we do, we make sure the kiddies have fun, and that we’re being safe! As long as I can remember I always make the holidays as festive as possible for the kids!

While being a wife and mother of two I enjoy planning events and celebrating with my family! No matter what the occasion I like to leave a lasting impression! Now just because we’re celebrating, that doesn’t mean it has to be expensive! I like to do everything on a budget! Fun but low-cost or no cost! My kids are at a age where they love to participate in activities, and just be surrounded by family! No phones, no video games, just good old quality time and fun! I am here to share my Halloween fun activities, and tips to ensure that you and your family have a fun yet safe, and budget friendly Halloween experience.

First let’s talk about free fun activities. My favorite activities to do with the children is simple…… Halloween themed coloring pages, crossword puzzles, and word scrambles! If you have your own computer and printer, or access to a public library this can be very simple! All you have to do is google search “Halloween Coloring Pages”, “Halloween Word Scramble” ,or “Halloween Word Search”, and the options are endless! You can simply print out these pages right from the source, or copy and paste them into a word document then print! My kids love these coloring pages! We sit down at a table, dump out the crayons, and colored pencils, and make a game of it! First to finish a colorful, neat picture wins a treat! Ultimately this sets the tone of a friendly contest! After everyone finishes their pictures me and hubby hang them up on the refrigerator! Simple, safe, and fun! Not to mention completely FREE!

Coloring pages can be found by a simple google search!

Scrambles are super fun, and can help your little ones with spelling! Fun and educational!

Ok next up is low cost activities for a fun Halloween! My favorite store to shop for festivities on a budget is of course Wal-Mart! They literally have everything you need for these next set of activities! Head to your local Wal-Mart and grab a pack of variety paint brushes, small bottles of acrylic paints, paper plates, plastic cups , yarn, scissors, a hole puncher and personal sized pumpkins! These materials will be used for pumpkin painting, and masks. That’s right simple, yet low-budget and fun! When you get home cover your project space with trash bags to avoid any mess that you don’t want on your furniture! It’s the perfect arts and craft activities to keep your little ones occupied! Need a little inspiration of what mask to make or how to paint your pumpkin? One word…….PINTREST ! Me and my family love trying out different ideas every year, so we challenge ourselves by looking up different themes! It’s super fun for the kiddies and the parents!

Pumpkin painting is our family’s all time favorite fall activity!

Fun and low budget! My kids love creating their own masks!

Now if you’re not into arts and crafts as much as the next person, there is another alternative! BAKING! That’s right, baking projects! It’s fun, it’s exciting, and has a delicious outcome! We love to bake as a family! The kids always get super excited, and love to participate! By me being a professional cake decorator I always have a few tricks up my sleeve! I will create the cutest Halloween themed cupcakes! Nothing too extravagant, but not too simple! Just something to wow the kids! For the children we use easy step by step baking products! We love to use the Pilsbury brand! They have a variety of treats for the whole family that you’ll love! Try baking the Halloween themed cookies, cupcakes, or even try the cinnamon rolls and dye the frosting Halloween colors! It’s fast, convenient, low-cost and fun! I hope you guys try some of these fun activities with your children! Comment under this post and let me know how it goes! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

These are definitely a crowd pleaser! Yummmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

Easy, convenient, and quick! A great way to get you and your kids hands on!

Not a cookie or cake fanatic? Then try these cinnamon rolls! They’re sure to satisfy your sweet tooth!

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